Volunteer with us!
Apex Australia is a vibrant and energetic volunteer service organisation focused on harnessing the ideas, ideals and intelligence of younger Australians aged 18 and over. We are an authentic Australian icon – established in 1931 and going strong. We have helped more than 200,000 younger Australians make a difference to their community, learn valued skills and make great friends. The Apex story is one of fun, fellowship and friendship. We offer you the opportunity to give others a fair go, practical help and positive role models to reach their own potential. Its Apex, Its Australian!
Apex volunteers can be located from Alice Springs to Wodonga, from Brisbane to Goondiwindi. They are lawyers, carpenters, school teachers, council workers, students and farmers. There is no typical Apexian – gender, geography and gainful employment are no guide as to why people joined or how they get involved. We have a policeman who project manages a statewide fashion show and a publican who runs a multi-layered national organisation.
You can be an Apex member right now. Just use the contact link on this website and take the first step. Many of yesterday’s new Apexians, often having joined soon after school, college or university, are today’s medical researchers, managers, elected representatives and community leaders. Apex has made a difference to their lives and it can do the same for you. Your local Club will offer you plenty of opportunities to help other Australians, make new friends, and gain skills in public speaking, leadership and communication.
More information on Apex Australia can be found here.
The Bairnsdale club
The Apex club of Bairnsdale is a diverse group, consisting of men and women of varying professions we have vets, paramedics, teachers, an administration officer, a farmer and a building surveyor to name a few.
We meet once a month for a business meeting and generally once a month for a social gathering which may be a day by the water or a bit of fun at the archery park.
Our meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month in the Crowne Lounge at the Wy Yung pub, from 6.30pm for a 7pm start. New comers are always welcomed and you are not expected to join straight away- why not come and see/hear what we are all about?
Most of our service is a monthly bbq at the Nicholson mall, as well as our annual Mother’s day Classic, trivia night and movie night. We also cater to any other requests that may come our way, some extra service we are known to do is drink service and clean up at the Nagle Deb and Valadictory balls.